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Writer's picture: Miranda KingMiranda King

Spring 2022 Newsletter

"Open your mouth for the mute,

for the rights of all who are destitute.

Open your mouth, judge righteously,

defend the rights of the poor and needy."

Proverbs 31:8-9

Dear friends,

Every day in Canada nearly 300 pre-born babies are brutally killed. In a D+E abortion, babies have their arms and legs ripped off, their skulls crushed, and their organs suctioned out from their mother’s wombs by a suction aspirator ten times stronger than a household vacuum cleaner. Abortion is not just another "cause" that we need to "raise awareness" about; it is an emergency that calls for action.

Our God is a God of life and created man in His own image. He hears the silent cries of each child that is torn to pieces or starved to death by abortion, and our hearts ought to be broken over the injustice of abortion. Throughout Scripture, God calls us to open our mouths for the defenseless (Proverbs 31:8-9), to put our faith into action (James 2:14-17), and to rescue those who are being taken away to death (Proverbs 24:11-12).

As we take hope in the fact that God is in control over all things - including abortion - we also know that God often accomplishes His will through the action of His people. As you read this newsletter, consider how God might be calling you to act on behalf of the pre-born.

​Toronto March for Life ​Friday, May 13 Be a voice for the voiceless in Canada's largest city by standing publicly for the pre-born at Queen's Park. The rally will include speeches from several leaders in the pro-life movement and conclude with a march through the downtown core. Details at

​Toronto Crash Course July 14-16 This 3-day program will give you the training and the hand-on experience to be able to compassionately communicate with others about abortion. Introductory and advanced training streams are available, covering apologetics, strategy, the culture war, and the pastoral and politial arms of the pro-life movement. For more information or to apply, click here.

Action Item: Please include this announcement in your bulletin for the next few weeks!

Last week I gave a presentation to the young people at Covenant Christian Church in Wyoming, Ontario and was encouraged to hear of their plans to deliver pro-life literature to their entire town in the near future!

"I think that it is vitally important for churches and youth groups to receive training when it comes to the pro-life movement. So many people say that they are pro-life without fully understanding what that means and what abortion does to pre-born children. Without that understanding, a lot of Christians remain apathetic to the issue as a whole."

-Grace, member of Covenant Christian Church

Would your church be interested in hosting a presentation to learn how to reach your community with the truth about abortion?

1. Did you know? Pastors attend all events free! We believe it is essential for church leaders to be equipped to respond to abortion, and we never want cost to be a barrier. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity by attending our upcoming Toronto Pro-Life Crash Course (July 14-16).

2. If you'd like to know more about CCBR I'd love to meet with you and share more about our work!

3. Please continue to keep the emergency of abortion in your prayers!

We were able to run two very successful 4-day projects in February and March: Pro-Life Bootcamp for university students and Pro-Life Week of Action for high school students. Each week we had twelve participants who learned effective apologetics, got lots of experience out on the streets changing hearts and minds on abortion, and enjoyed great fellowship! A special thanks goes to all of the pastors who were able to join us for the training days of these weeks.

Pro-Life Bootcamp participants
Pro-Life Week of Action participants

"I had such an amazing experience in conversations and was blessed to change many minds and get lots of people to think about this issue. AVP and apologetics are such important foundations.... Don't ever stop this effective and efficient approach to addressing abortion!"

-Hadasa (Pro-Life Week of Action attendee)

"My Bootcamp experience was very formative. I'm so grateful to have met such a fantastic group of staff and volunteers..... My eyes have been opened to the necessity of the pro-life movement, and I have so much respect for those who go out into a hostile public with the pro-life message regularly."

-Karilyn (Bootcamp attendee and intern this coming summer)

Check out this testimony from one of our Pro-Life Week of Action participants!

Study Series for Churches

While many Christians understand the grave injustice that abortion is, they do not feel prepared to defend the pre-born to their friends, co-workers, and neighbors. CCBR has created this program to provide Christians with the training and tools they need to be a voice for the voiceless. The series is designed to run for 5 weeks, meeting once a week.

The topics covered are:

1. Abortion in Canada & Why Christians Must Act

2. Can Our Culture Actually Change?

3. Pro-Life 101: Communicating the Pro-Life Position

4. Pro-Life 201: Communicating the Pro-Life Position

5. Loving Your Pre-born Neighbours

God speaks to us in 2 Chronicles 7:14 when He says: "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." We believe that our God is a God who answers prayers and urge you to keep praying!

Pray for our summer internship:

  • For our interns: That this summer would be a time of growth and encouragement, that they would be compassionate and effective ambassadors for the pre-born, and that the Lord would multiply their work and give them perseverance as they reach hundreds of thousands of people with the truth about abortion.

  • For our internship staff team: For wisdom as they mentor the interns, that the logistical details of planning would go smoothly, and that God give them endurance in this busy season.

  • For those who we engage with on the streets: That God would soften their hearts to see the horrific nature of abortion and to repent, and that post-abortive men and women would find hope and healing in the gospel.


Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter! Please take a minute to forward it on through your church's email list and share it with anyone else who you think would benefit from it.

Check out our website to learn more about how your church can take action to protect God's tiniest image-bearers from abortion, and please continue to keep this work in your prayers.

I'd love to hear from you if you have any questions!

In Christ,


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