2022 Christmas Newsletter
And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”
Luke 2:11-12
Dear friends,
As Christmas approaches, we rejoice at the incarnation of Jesus Christ. In a strange and awe-inspiring contrast to imago Dei—“image of God”—God took on the likeness of man.
There’s something about this that strikes me as remarkably applicable to the crisis we face today: 100,000 children are killed by abortion every year in Canada.
When God became man, He did so at the same age that all of us begin, taking on the vulnerability that all of us have in our mothers' wombs. As a single cell—a zygote—he rapidly began to grow. At 3 weeks, His heart began to beat. At 6 weeks, if they’d had today’s technology, they would have detected brain waves. At 12 weeks, He probably sucked His thumb.
He made Himself as vulnerable as the 100,000 children who are torn apart every day in this country. For me, that sheds a new light on His words,
"Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to Me."
Since they have no voice to thank you, we would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all who sacrifice much to fight for the lives of “the least of these” - whether by giving of your time or by financially supporting this work! Because of you, tiny image-bearers are rescued from death.
Looking back on 2022, our hearts are filled with thankfulness at all the Lord has done through CCBR's work this year: 44 summer interns, 1456 instances of street outreach, 154 presentations, 9593 man-hours of activism, 712 hours of Truth Truck driving, and 399,616 postcards delivered across Canada. In total, we reached 4,015,707 views of abortion victim photography. Praise God!
A conversation Vanessa had during outreach recently
March Break Event
Pro-Life Week Of Action: Are you looking for a worthwhile way to spend your March Break? Come spend it learning how to defend pre-born children in an effective and life-saving way! This event runs from March 13-16 in the GTA (host homes provided). You will receive high-calibre pro-life apologetics training, meet other passionate pro-lifers, and get hands-on experience talking to people about abortion. By the end of the week, you will be equipped to compassionately change minds on abortion.
Early Bird Deadline: December 31
Regular Deadline: January 31
Sanctity of Life Sunday January 22, 2023
Winnipeg Pro-Life Bootcamp March 28-30, 2023 (for highschoolers)
Summery Internships (applications are open!) May-August or July-August 2023
Sunday, January 22nd is marked and observed by many churches across North America as Sanctity of Life Sunday. Abortion on demand was legalized in Canada in January 1988, and in the United States in January 1973. Please consider spending intentional time in prayer as a congregation and taking a special collection towards pro-life work on this Sunday, or even all throughout the month of January. We will be sending out some suggested resources and prayer points in the coming weeks.
Monday, March 13th is an apologetics training day for the Pro-Life Week of Action in Mississauga (see above), and we'd love for you to join us! We believe it is essential for pastors and church leaders to be equipped to respond to abortion, and we hope that CCBR's apologetics training can be a part of that. As such, there is no cost for attending. Please email mking@endthekilling.ca if you are able to join us!
Please continue to keep the emergency of abortion in your prayers.
Whether as gifts, for your church and school libraries, or for yourself - order our books this week and use the code CHRISTMAS2022 to get 25% off!
For the protection of pre-born children. For single moms who chose life even though the father walked out on her because of it, and for all single parents, especially during this Christmas season. For endurance and encouragement for those working and volunteering in the pro-life movement.
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter! Please take a minute to forward it on to your church's email list and share it with others.
Visit imagodei.ca to learn more about how you and your church or school can take action to protect God's tiniest image-bearers from abortion, and please continue to keep this work in your prayers. As always, I'd love to hear from you if you have any questions.
Have a blessed Christmas!
In Christ,
Eastern Church Outreach Coordinator for CCBR